Unfortunately once an order is submitted we are unable to make modifications to the order.
Our system is designed to process orders as soon as possible and are unable to cancel orders once they've been submitted. You may contact our service team directly to submit a cancellation request but are unable to guarantee it will be processed if the order has begun processing.
Please follow our RUGS 101 section for detailed and thorough information on rug care.
Your order will leave our brand partners warehouse 1-3 business days after it is purchased. Once the order has been shipped, your rug should arrive in 3-5 business days.
If you ordered multiple items on Homestitch, there is a good chance you selected items coming from different brand partners. You should have received an individual tracking number for each item which you can use to monitor the status of your full order. If you believe that your item has been lost or it has not been delivered within the shipping window stated, please reach out to our customer service team at support@homestitch.com or give us a call at 18452348728.
Shipping is totally free!
Unfortunately, we do not ship outside of the contiguous United States.
Click here to start your return.